
The following activities were carried out:

  • Provision of feedback on draft fact-finding tools by partners.
  • Dissemination of fact finding tools to PCU colleagues by INCLUSION focal points at PCUs (management and teaching staff, students) and follow up with colleagues/students. As a result, 35 responses from PCU staff on the PCU survey could be obtained together with 184 responses from students on the student survey (from all four PCUs including also responses from the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, the French University of Armenia and the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia).
  • More than 70 entries to the literature review on the project’s moodle platform.
  • During the site visits to PCUs (WUS At to UNTZ, UCLL to UNT, UoR to SAFAA and AUA), stakeholder consultations took place with PCU staff and students where findings from the fact finding phase were presented and discussed for verification by stakeholders.
  • During the workshop in June 2017 for HE representatives and governmental officials, students from all four PCUs participated and provided presentations on how they see inclusion and related challenges/opportunities at their universities. Feedback from students collected in groups discussions were also incorporated in the process of developing PCU Master Plans for INCLUSION (WP2). Presentations from students and working groups are available.

Developments/major deliverables: